Left 4 dead 2 guns
Left 4 dead 2 guns

left 4 dead 2 guns

"viewmodel_dual" "models/v_models/v_dual_pistolA.mdl" "viewmodel" "models/v_models/v_pistolA.mdl"

left 4 dead 2 guns

left 4 dead 2 guns

"playermodel_dual" "models/w_models/weapons/w_pistol_A_dual.mdl" "playermodel" "models/w_models/weapons/w_pistol_A.mdl" Weapon data is loaded by both the Game and Client DLLs. You can think about this value controlling a falloff value on distant targets, the smaller the value the harder it is to hit at a distance. If a target is 10.0 units big then it is considered 10.0*scale. This value determins how "big" a target is for auto aim. "DisplayNameAllCaps" "#L4D_Weapon_Pistol_CAPS" Used in the music system when this weapon fires "EjectBrassEffect" "weapon_shell_casing_9mm" model for the shell casing to eject when we fire bullets "MuzzleFlashEffect_3rdPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol" "MuzzleFlashEffect_1stPerson" "weapon_muzzle_flash_pistol_FP" particle muzzle flash effect to play when fired Open the weapon_pistol.txt in Disk:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\scripts with notepad This tutorial will briefly explain how to modify the pistols.ġ.

Left 4 dead 2 guns